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 Lineage 2 GP / Gracia Final

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-07-31

Lineage 2 GP / Gracia Final Empty
PostSubject: Lineage 2 GP / Gracia Final   Lineage 2 GP / Gracia Final Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul - 23:32:14

Site: http://www.l2gp.com

Lineage Gracia Final Version!

L2GP-PvP (High Rate)
xp: 150x
sp: 200x
adena: 400X
Drop: 10X
Spoil: 15x

Safe enchant: 10
Maximum enchant: 35
Elemental enchant maximum: 36
Chance to enchant: 66%
Auto learn skills normally.
Skills with the divine book
2 hours in duration buffs
Full buffs: 60 buffs
Over 20 different events

* Facilitator (Special areas of upagem)
* Area of PvP
* NPC Buffer: Option Package! You can program up to 5 custom packages.Here you do not lose time if bufando. Program 1 time and then just one click.(5 packages per char)
* NPC color of the name
* Area of PvP
* Berbella (Have you sell all items of donation).It is possible to manufacture the coins without donating.
* Global Teleport
* Custom weapons, armors, skills, quests items and accessories.
* You can donate without being full as it can manufacture coin Donatori doing quests!
* Coin system: Share your time of play for coins!Have all the better by changing their time of play for coins on the site!

It is a great server: If you are looking for fun already found the server! Veja as imagens na seção "Como é o L2GP" e entenda por que tantas pessoas falam do l2gp e não trocam por nada esse servidor! See the pictures in the "How the L2GP" and understand why so many people speak of l2gp exchange and not for nothing that server!


xp: 7x
sp: 8x
adena: 14X
Drop: 7X
Spoil: 12x

Safe enchant: 4
Maximum enchant: 25
Chance to enchant: 65%
Learning skills
Over 20 different events
1 hour-long buffs
Max 20 +4 buffs (also the official)
Global Teleport
NPC Accessories
NPC color of the name

Server without totally custom.Clean!
If you want to play in official server without paying here.
* This server has only donation to adena and level of char. Nada mais. Nothing more.

More information on both servers:

* +, 10 GM's online (in both visible and invisible as the game site)
*Multibox (you can open your pc how lineage endure)
* TVT and other
* Fame system
* Certification subclass
* Fortress Siege (All running strong)
* Skills Lvl 81,82,83 and 84.
* Champion Mobs
* Augmentations
* Elements stones
* Covers
* Talismans
* Clan Hall
* Seven signs
* Fisheries (Fish system)
* Quests, including hellbounds and Gracia Final
* Mobs diurnal and nocturnal
* Nobresa
* Areas Gracia final
* Airships
* Olympics
* Heros
* Instances
* Pets
* Divine transformations
* Securities colors!
* Cloud Masion
* Vesper armor, weapons, jewelry and accessories!
* Latest official updates of America.
* Geodata (Without the wall bug)
* And much more. Check!

Do not waste time and make your registration today!

by Cupida
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